We can settle on any definition of god that you want.
@TonusOH - Are you good with the commonly accepted definition of God: The Supreme Being who is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent?
we get old because jehovah had to prove to all the angels that his way of ruling was the best?
that's the sorriest argument the watchtower has come up with.
We can settle on any definition of god that you want.
@TonusOH - Are you good with the commonly accepted definition of God: The Supreme Being who is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent?
we get old because jehovah had to prove to all the angels that his way of ruling was the best?
that's the sorriest argument the watchtower has come up with.
Again, you are talking about a different god, than God. This IS your premise, indicated by your use of the little "g".
God is described as omnipotent, omniscience, and omnipresence. Just googling "definition of God" produces:
Why isn't the definition that everyone else uses good enough for you? Doesn't make any sense does it?
This is the primary tool of deception that the Watchtower uses. For instance, Heb. 11: 15 says that Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant. The WT has denied Justification through the new covenant since the 1930's to new converts.
However, if you ask a JW if Jesus is their Mediator, they will lie, and claim that he is, even though they reject the new covenant at each memorial, which is what he mediates. They change the definition of the word mediator (without letting others know) to mean a mediator of prayers, pointing out that they end their prayers with we-ask-all-this-in-Jesus-name-amen. The position of mediator in the NT is defined as applying to the new covenant, not prayers.
They do this because they know that no one in their right mind would reject Jesus as their Mediator "for forgiveness of sins" (Mt. 26:27-28) So, they change the meaning so they won't appear like a satanic cult that rejects Jesus.
Your mind functions similarly when it has anything to do with God. I give you lots of thumbs up on most of your posts that don't have to do with God. But, when it comes to God, your mind is just broken. You are using the same sleight of definition trick that we we all subjected to from WT.
we get old because jehovah had to prove to all the angels that his way of ruling was the best?
that's the sorriest argument the watchtower has come up with.
The point that I am (continually) making is that we should judge god by his actions.
@TonusOH - And, it is the premise behind this proposition that seems so puzzling to others. You rightly use the little "g" when describing the god you imagine. That is a different God than the one you argue about with others. It is your delusional premise that you refuse to let go of that drives your arguments. Like the Watchtower, you use a definition other than the one commonly accepted in a dictionary when it suits you. Are you trying to improve the overall moral character of your rebellion against God?
Anyway, when we are all using the same definition, your argument immediately falls apart. William Lane Craig explains:
Given the dizzying complexity of life, we are simply in no position at all to judge that God has no good reason for permitting some instance of suffering to afflict our lives. Every event that occurs sends a ripple effect through history, such that God’s reason for permitting it might not emerge until centuries later and perhaps in another country. Only an all-knowing God could grasp the complexities of directing a world of free people toward his envisioned goals.
Just think of the innumerable, incalculable events involved in arriving at a single historical event, say, the Allied victory at D-day! We have no idea of what suffering might be involved in order for God to achieve some intended purpose through the freely chosen actions of human persons. Nor should we expect to discern God’s reasons for permitting suffering. It’s hardly surprising that much suffering seems pointless and unnecessary to us, for we are overwhelmed by such complexity.
This is not to appeal to mystery but rather to point to our inherent limitations, which make it impossible for us to say, when confronted with some example of suffering, that God probably has no good reason for permitting it to occur. Unbelievers themselves recognize these limitations in other contexts…Some short-term good might actually lead to untold misery, while some action that looks disastrous in the short term may bring about the greatest good. We don’t have a clue.
- William Lane Craig
we get old because jehovah had to prove to all the angels that his way of ruling was the best?
that's the sorriest argument the watchtower has come up with.
I've yet to read a scripture where heaven is described as anything similar to suffering.
TonusOH has aquired what the bible describes as a reprobate mind. It is a mind that no longer functions as intended. No matter what is offered by God to eliminate suffering, no matter how free it is, no matter how simple it is, the reprobate mind will ALWAYS miss the point.
A world where it pain and suffering is eliminated is exactly what God is offering. But, TonusOH claims to want an existence where suffering is impossible, regardless of our choices.
Soem people are born without the ability to feel pain.
Irt is a miserable exisstence. Yet, this is TonusOH brilliant idea for the solution to evil, pain & suffering.
Ignorant childish dreams.
we get old because jehovah had to prove to all the angels that his way of ruling was the best?
that's the sorriest argument the watchtower has come up with.
I think the problem is that people are revealed by their words and actions. If we assume that these descriptions of total depravity in people are true, we are left with a God who showed incredible patience, love and forbearance in order for some to be saved, although his desire is for all to be saved.
People state they only want good outcomes, but a very large number of people are willing to suffer endlessly in order to avoid God. What does this tell us about people? If we accept every premise about the nature of man's inability to live with God, much less love him, we are obviously left with a universe where suffering is understandably far more common than happiness.
What does this tell us about the being who created the universe and everything in it? It tells us that while we were all sinners and deserving only of death and eternal separation from God, He so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Halcon is right. It is an amazing opportunity to even have the option to choose.
we get old because jehovah had to prove to all the angels that his way of ruling was the best?
that's the sorriest argument the watchtower has come up with.
Freedom has always been available to everyone, through faith. The real underlying problem isn't that we don't believe God. The problem is that we can't believe God.
Romans 11:32 - For God has consigned all to disobedience, that he may have mercy on all. (c.f. Galatians 3:22)
Romans 3:9-12 - What then? Are we Jews any better off? No, not at all. For we have already charged that all, both Jews and Greeks, are under sin, as it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.”
Mark 7:21-23 - “For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.” (c.f. Matthew 15:19)
Psalm 5:9 - For there is no truth in their mouth; their inmost self is destruction; their throat is an open grave; they flatter with their tongue.
People get comfortable in their prison cell. They decorate it, hang a few pictures on the wall, keep the toilet clean and convince themselves that they have a better life than other prisoners who are not as diligent and creative as they are. Their comfortable myoptic life prevents them from asking for the gift of faith - Faith in a man who demonstrated his total power over all things by resurrecting himself from the dead.
Jesus came to save us from ourselves, because he loves us.
"You say, ‘I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. So I advise you to buy gold from me—gold that has been purified by fire.
Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see. I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference". - Jesus
we get old because jehovah had to prove to all the angels that his way of ruling was the best?
that's the sorriest argument the watchtower has come up with.
when did Jesus (your God) suffer?
“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”
the jws haven't been to my door for a while, but i don't doubt that they'll turn up eventually*.
(i saw easter eggs in the supermarket yesterday, so "memorial" season is fast approaching 🙄).
what's a good question to ask, to get the ball rolling?.
When you reject the new covenant "for the forgiveness of sins" that Jesus offered in Mt. 26: 27-28, do you ever wonder if Satan led your church to do this?
we get old because jehovah had to prove to all the angels that his way of ruling was the best?
that's the sorriest argument the watchtower has come up with.
Why allow the just to suffer at all?
It's a good question that many good books have been written about. But, one thing is for sure; It's not like God is asking us to do something he wasn't willing to do.
we get old because jehovah had to prove to all the angels that his way of ruling was the best?
that's the sorriest argument the watchtower has come up with.
Yall are making this more complicated than it is. God desires the one thing that he cannot create, the one thing that identifies most with his dominate character - Love. That is the sole reason for our existence. And, you cannot force someone to love you.
God's requirement for entry into his family is to be without sin. He is the creator and owns it all, so he gets to set the terms. For the sole purpose of creating the possibility of love, God took on flesh and died a horrible death vicariously for everyone who ever lived, everyone who wants it. Lots of people only want to enjoy all the cool stuff God made, kinda like a spoiled brat who doesn't want to work but just relax on Daddy's yacht. They like daddy's money, but don't really want him around cramping their lifestyle.
God still gives them lots of good stuff while they enjoy everything he made.... mountians, oceans, forests, friends, children, puppies, art etc. When they inevitably die because of being separated from the sole Source of Life in the universe, he still grants them what they desire most, eternal freedom from himself.
Those that allow God to supernaturally make them sinless, get to enjoy the most precious thing they could possibly imagine - the person, character, majesty and creative genius of God himself. For the believer, God is by far the greatest gift of all. When you get him, you get literally everything imaginable.
In the end, everybody gets what they want. Why is this so difficult for people to understand?